The Overview Effect and Inspiring Ideas from

The Overview Effect and Inspiring Ideas from

We don’t have to be living in outer space to feel inspired by the potential for biomimicry strategies here on Earth. The overview effect will humble and inspire anyone willing to take a moment to look out the window to reflect on the majesty of our planet and the world we want for ourselves and future generations. Whether you’re on the International Space Station or on a bridge surrounded by disappearing wetlands and sprawling refineries, that overview moment is an opportunity to “ask nature” how to design a better future!

When I “Asked Nature” About Artificial Intelligence, Here’s What I Learned

When I “Asked Nature” About Artificial Intelligence, Here’s What I Learned

To prepare for the future we need diverse teams that can look at AI from many different points of view. Everyone should get involved in shaping the future of AI—don’t leave AI to the “experts”! We need to bring our passion for the environment and compassion for all of life into the development of AI, before it’s too late. As exciting as AI is, it is important to look at the potential of AI through a skeptical lens. We must never forget that every breakthrough technology often has a dark side.

How I Found the Circular Economy:  Biomimicry and the Power of Design

How I Found the Circular Economy: Biomimicry and the Power of Design

New materials, synthetic biology, and a circular economy are still in their early stages. As with any exponential technology, trends start small before taking off. There are dozens of design competitions around the world like Circular Economy 2030, OPENIDEO, Solve by MIT, and of course, the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge, among many others. I am optimistic that a circular economy is achievable in our lifetime.

Tap into nature: