Biomimicry Institute

Looking Within: Design Inspired by Teeth and Bones

Looking Within: Design Inspired by Teeth and Bones

It’s easy to focus on the salient features of any living being: the color of a bird’s plumage, an elephant’s immensity, the musculature of the human leg. However, when you look deeper, the incredible durability and structure of bones is an engineering marvel. It turns out bones and teeth are capable of inspiring innovation in a variety of fields, including aeronautics, architecture, and automotive engineering.

Benjamin Banneker: A Life Told in Cicada Years

Benjamin Banneker: A Life Told in Cicada Years

The emergence of 17-year cicadas in the summer of 2021 revived interest in a paper Janet Barber co-authored about the role of Benjamin Banneker — a free African-American in 18th-century Maryland — as one of the first naturalists to record scientific information and observations of the insects.

The Fox’s Sixth Sense

If you are a fox, and it’s winter, most of your food is hiding somewhere under the snow.  So how might you go about catching a meal?  Foxes hunt mice, and in winter they can often be seen “mousing,” quietly stalking their prey in open snowfields....



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