Learning From Nature Part 2: Context and Connectivity

Learning From Nature Part 2:
Context and Connectivity

With biomimicry, I’ve learned that it can be much more impactful to help people learn from nature. As you probably well know, the practice of biomimicry involves three core elements: Ethos, (Re)connect and Emulate. We typically hear about the emulation of natural forms, processes, and interactions when speaking about biomimicry; however, I believe the sustainability ethos and the ability to connect (or reconnect) with nature offer the most profound opportunities for mindshifts, for genuinely rethinking all of our human designs. As my colleague Erin Rovalo says, “ethos represents our respect for, responsibility to, and gratitude for our fellow species and our home”, and “(re)connecting is a practice and a mindset that explores and deepens the relationship between humans and the rest of nature”. 

Tap into nature: