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Become a Corporate Sponsor

Corporate sponsorship

Key features & benefits

A corporate sponsorship is an opportunity to create brand alignment by sharing our organization’s values, supporting our work, and increasing our impact. Becoming a featured sponsor also allows you to connect with our community through the new AskNature Hive community platform and our Innovation Co-Labs.
See our sponsorship benefits below. Contact for a conversation.

Brand alignment

Demonstrate your brand’s shared values with the Biomimicry Institute for a regenerative, inclusive, and nature-inspired future when you join as a sponsor.

Connect with our global community

Our network of bio-inspired innovators is a passionate, inclusive, and diverse community that is driven to solve the world’s pressing issues.

Event sponsor opportunities

Through webinar series and live online events, take the opportunity to share your brand’s vision with our community.

Community subscriptions

Your employees have access to join like-minded innovators who are inspiring biomimicry action and building a network of curiosity and collaboration.