Biomimicry Institute

The Relationship Between Climate Change and Adapting Viruses

The Relationship Between Climate Change and Adapting Viruses

The movement to be more sustainable and to ‘go green’ has finally become a priority in many areas of the world. It has encouraged thousands of people to reevaluate the choices they are making and the many rippling impacts that those choices have. Many are demanding changes to the economy and industries that they purchase from to help them achieve sustainability goals. 

What We Fear Most May Help Keep Us Alive

What We Fear Most May Help Keep Us Alive

We know what’s at stake. It’s an active decision to pursue innovations and strategies that honor life for the long-haul versus choosing quickies that lead to our next extinction. And if fact-based efforts and “last chance” climate emergency conferences have hardly moved the needle (COP26 summit agreements resulted in 0.1 degree C from future climate breakdown) then maybe fear, or the very real fear of losing what we love, will.

A Look Back at 2021

A Look Back at 2021

We are proud of the major accomplishments we’ve achieved over the past year. Here is a snapshot of what we’ve been up to—made possible by the generous support of our global community. To read the full impact in our 2021 Year in Review report, visit

The Nature of Fashion Turns to Action

The Nature of Fashion Turns to Action

The Design for Decomposition is a bold initiative to realign the underlying principles of both the fashion and waste management industries with the laws of physics and biology to create cascading benefits for climate, biodiversity, and social equity. Such an ambitious aim requires partners who are courageous and have vision.

Make a Difference on Giving Tuesday

Make a Difference on Giving Tuesday

Taken as a whole, you will make it possible for us to meet, and hopefully exceed, our goals. You’ll be helping to solve humanity’s biggest challenges with nature’s proven solutions. And you’ll get us all one step closer to securing a sustainable future for the next generation.

For every dollar you give today through the end of the year, the Kendeda Fund has generously offered to match your donation. Thank you for supporting our shared mission.

Sharing the Stories of Biomimicry Educators from Across the Globe

Sharing the Stories of Biomimicry Educators from Across the Globe

To help formal and non-formal educators learn from each other and pass on creative and effective ways to teach biomimicry, the Sharing Stories Project was born. The project’s interviewers reached out to educators across the globe who are using biomimicry to engage young people in solution-based thinking and inspire them to look at the natural world from a new perspective.



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