Bringing nature-inspired solutions to life.

We equip scientists, engineers, and designers with the skills and tools they need to turn their work into real-world solutions.

The Launchpad Mission

The Biomimicry Launchpad is a program designed to empower more innovators to integrate biomimicry into their ecosystems and bring nature-inspired solutions to life. We seek to accelerate the growth of biomimetic technology startups in order to create scalable solutions to systemic environmental and social challenges.

In 2024, we are inviting the most promising nature-inspired scientists, engineers, designers, and entrepreneurs to participate in our free 10-week program. The curriculum includes training, connections, and resources for these innovators who otherwise may not have considered commercializing their work. The unique combination of business and biomimicry training, along with in-person expeditions in extraordinary natural locations, has proven to inspire, educate, and build a vibrant community amongst these multidisciplinary participants.

Who is the Launchpad Program for?

Launchpad participants are inspired innovators who transcend the typical categories and disciplines. They may be transforming chemical and material palettes, designing sustainable systems, or researching novel biological strategies. Many of our applicants are pursuing a graduate degree, are postdoctoral fellows, or are recent graduates within the biological sciences. Some are studying the application of biological phenomena through engineering. Others are exploring technology and design through the lenses of art or sustainable business practices. These multidisciplinary participants will come together to form the 2024 Biomimicry Launchpad Cohort. 

Over the course of the Biomimicry Launchpad program, we help these innovators:

See entrepreneurship as a promising and fulfilling career path, with the tools and training to make it a reality

Explore ways to integrate biomimicry and sustainability into all of their pursuits

Learn how to communicate their work to broader audiences, while connecting with industry leaders and nature in powerful new ways

Since 2018, the Biomimicry Launchpad has supported:




Female Participants

SDGs Addressed

Program Details

The Biomimicry Launchpad program selects the most promising nature-inspired scientists from around the world on an annual invitation basis.

Entrepreneurial Mindset Training

A focus on customer discover, sustainable business practices and tools modeled after Lean Startup methodology.

Biomimicry & Sustainability Training

Helping nature-inspired scientists and researchers identify the unique value they could provide to help solve critical social and environmental issues.

Communications & Storytelling Training

Participants learn how to communicate business and scientific value in clear and engaging ways.

Nature-Immersion Expeditions

Workshops in remarkable locations with a focus on community building, leadership skills, and cultivating a sustainability ethos.

Coaching & Mentoring

Including informal community networking with current and former participants, and formal mentor talks from diverse perspectives.

Ongoing Alumni Support

Introductions to over 40 next-step pipeline partners, including top-ranked accelerator programs and pre-seed investment funds.

Featured Participants

Launchpad participants are multidisciplinary, and they are looking to further their nature-inspired work via commercialization, in industry, or academia. Some past participants include…

Elena Juodisius

Landscape Designer, SE Group

When Elena participated in the Launchpad program she was studying for her Masters of Landscape Architecture at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. During her time in the Launchpad Elena was exploring how to develop, prototype, and patent a novel solution for an easy to install riparian buffer. 

Chui-Lian Lee

Co-Founder & CEO, Werewool

Chui and her business partners Valentina Gomez, along with their advisor Dr. Theanne Schiros, joined the Launchpad shortly after Chui graduated with a degree in Textile Development and Marketing from the Fashion Institute of Technology. During the program, Chui and her team developed their startup pitch, received funding, and launched their biotechnology startup Werewool.

Andrew Schulz

Post-Doc Researcher, Max Plank Institute

Andrew participated in Launchpad while conducting postdoctoral research at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, studying biologically inspired haptics. He was recently awarded the Humboldt Research Fellowship and is actively seeking a faculty position studying the connection of biomimicry, engineering, and wildlife conservation.


The Biomimicry Launchpad is a key initiative of the Biomimicry Institute and our founding partner, the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. The late Ray Anderson was Founder and Chairman of Interface, Inc. and a sustainable business pioneer. Biomimicry was an important part of Ray’s and Interface’s early success in creating more environmentally friendly and better performing products.

Sign up for the Biomimicry Institute’s Innovation newsletter to stay up to date about the latest biomimetic technologies and news.

Header Cover Image: Jon Brown created for Werewool

Help Support Early-Stage, Nature-Inspired Innovators

It will take all of us to recreate our world to fit in with nature. If you would like to support the startups on their journey, or bring their biomimicry innovations into your work, we’d love to hear from you.

Tap into nature: