Biomimicry Offers Us Help, Hope, and Healing As We Build Back Better Together

Biomimicry Offers Us Help, Hope, and Healing As We Build Back Better Together

Biomimicry, utilizing nature’s teachings in our own designs, provides us with a place to start and a compass to follow as we chart a course toward a better, brighter, and more sustainable future for all beings. As we now rebuild our cities in these uncertain times, biomimicry can help us clean the air, water, and soil the way that nature must do when ecosystems have been disrupted. Nature shows us how to effectively support life, drive our economies, and improve our collective health for all kin on Earth. 

A Game Plan to Help You Solve Global Problems

A Game Plan to Help You
Solve Global Problems

Systemic change—change that fundamentally alters the systems in which we live and work—can be overwhelming. How can we as individuals in a sea of millions really make a difference? How can we make a change with broad impact that’s actionable from where we are right now with what we have? Even asking that question can feel daunting!

Tap into nature: